Thinking of Moving to Rohnert Park, CA
[🚚]|ULTIMATE Living in Rohnert Park
Rohnert Park, CA is a city in the state of California, located in Sonoma County. Rohnert Park is about 50 miles north of San Francisco and 31 miles west of Napa. Rohnert Park was named after the Rohnert family, which owned the Rohnert Seed Farm. It was the first town to incorporate in Sonoma County since 1905.
Population & Demographics
The 2019 population of Rohnert Park was 42,902. Rohnert Park is a diverse place to live, with a demographic breakdown of 61% White, 27.6% Hispanic, 6.63% Asian and 2.1% Black or African American. Married couples account for 41.5% of households in Rohnert Park, and 59.1% of homes in Rohnert Park house families. Wondering if Rohnert Park is a safe place to live? Total crime in Rohnert Park is 7.5% lower than the national average.
Rohnert Park, CA Cost of Living
If you’re thinking about moving, you are probably wondering how far your money will go in Rohnert Park. Is Rohnert Park affordable? Of course, this will depend on your income and lifestyle, but overall, Rohnert Park is 44.2% more expensive than the national average! Housing in Rohnert Park is 233% higher than the national average. Transportation in Rohnert Park is 6% higher than the national average, and groceries are about 9% more expensive in Rohnert Park than the national average.
Homeownership in Rohnert Park is just below the national average. In Rohnert Park, the homeownership rate is 54.8%; the national average is 65.4%. Estimated median sale price for a home in Rohnert Park is $680,000, which is an increase of 22.5% since last year. Homes in Rohnert Park are selling in about 31 days on the market. Click to see what’s going on with the Rohnert Park real estate market.
In Rohnert Park, approximately 39% of people rent their homes. The average rent cost in Rohnert Park is $2263 a month, which is well above the national average of $1302.
Rohnert Park, CA Weather
In Rohnert Park, the winters are short and wet and the summers are long and warm, with lots of sunshine. The average daily high in the winter is 57 degrees, and the average daily high in the summer is 77 degrees.
To give you something to compare this to, Sammamish, WA gets 54 inches of rain a year!
Things to Do in Rohnert Park, CA
There are plenty of options for outside activities in Rohnert Park. Here are some of Rohnert Park’s residents’ favorite places to go:
Weill Hall – Green Music Center
Made up of a number of outdoor spaces, performance venues, a restaurant and more, Weill Hall (also known as the Green Music Center) is a jewel in the crown of Sonoma State University.
Graton Resort & Casino
Located in the heart of Rohnert Park, the Graton Resort & Casino is owned by the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria in Northern California’s wine country. With award winning restaurants, table games, 3000+ slot machines and a live poker room, there’s plenty to keep you occupied while you’re here!
Additional Things to Do in and around Rohnert Park
Rohnert Park Restaurants
There are many great restaurant options living in Rohnert Park. Here are a few of the best rated places Rohnert Park residents love to dine:
Simmer Claw Bar
Rohnert Park, CA Statistics & Information
Rohnert Park is located in Sonoma County. Rohnert Park’s zip codes is 95407. The elevation of Rohnert Park, CA is 105 feet. Rohnert Park is in the Pacific Standard Time Zone. The area of Rohnert Park is 7.29 square miles.
Jobs in Rohnert Park, CA
The median household income in Rohnert Park is $71,585 per year. Great news – salaries in Rohnert Park increased by 7.83 % from 2018 to 2019. The most popular jobs in Rohnert Park are office and administrative support, sales and related occupations and food preparation and serving related occupations. The biggest industries that employ Rohnert Park residents are retail trade, health care and social assistance and accommodations and food services. About 12.2% of Rohnert Park residents live below the poverty line, which is less than the national average. The demographic most affected by poverty in Rohnert Park is women between the ages of 18 and 24
The average commute time in Rohnert Park is about 26.1 minutes, which is about a minute longer than the national average. About 77% of Rohnert Park residents choose to drive alone to work rather than carpool, and nearly all Rohnert Park households own two cars.
Looking for employment in the Rohnert Park area? Click here to check out what is currently listed in Rohnert Park on
Schools in Rohnert Park, CA
Rohnert Park is served by the Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District. The top-rated schools in Rohnert Park are Technology High School, Marguerite Hahn Elementary School and El Camino High School. If parents prefer to send their children to private or parochial school, there are 2 in the Rohnert Park area to choose from. Students will also have access to the Rohnert Park Cotati Regional Library, as part of the Sonoma County Library system.
Living in Rohnert Park Pros & Cons
Pro: Great Year-Round Climate
Pro: Good Schools
Con: High Cost of Living
Making a move to Rohnert Park? Hire Rohnert Park’s best rated professional moving company to ensure an easy transition! Give Belfor Moving a call today at 707-586-6662 to discuss your move!